resistance band exercises on the go

Resistance band exercises on the go

Rock out with the band! Resistance bands are a great addition to any strength training routine or rehabilitation program. They come in a variety of sizes, lengths, and resistance levels.

They’re also portable and easy to store, so they’re perfect for home use, hotel workouts, or making the most of a small space at the gym.

Just like free weights, exercise bands come in a range of resistance levels, from highly stretchable to heavy-duty strength. Resistance bands are also the most portable form of fitness equipment. Pack them in your luggage and you can slip in a workout anywhere.

Resistance bands are cheap and effective for a variety of workouts – probably far more effective than you might think. While those looking to add serious bulk might not get all they need from resistance bands, they are a great tool for increasing strength and adding some muscle. You can also use them for fast-paced HIIT workouts if you want to improve your cardiovascular fitness and burn boatloads of calories.

For most exercises, try aiming for 2–3 sets of 8–25 reps per exercise. Ready, set, stre-e-e-etch!

10 Best Resistance Band Exercises You Can Do Anytime And Anywhere

  1. Resistance Band Bicep Curl

Stand with both feet on a resistance band. Hold one end in each hand, arms extended, palms facing forward. Slowly curl your hands up toward your shoulders, squeezing your biceps. Keep your elbows tight to the sides of your body. Slowly lower your hands back to the starting position.

  1. Triceps Extension

Hold the resistance band in your hands with your elbows bent. Put your right elbow over your head with your right forearm parallel to the floor. The left hand should be in front of the left shoulder. Extend your right arm while keeping it close to the head. As the right arm straightens, you should feel the band stretch and the muscles of your right upper arm working. Return to the starting position.

  1. Lat Pull Down

No lat machine, no problem! If you’re unable to go to the gym and need to work out at home, this exercise is perfect for activating the lats. “Make sure you’re not over engaging your traps here. You want to work from a packed shoulder and keep a long neck and space between your ears and shoulders.

Start with feet shoulder-width apart. Grip each side of the band in your palms.

With arms straight overhead, hold the right arm straight overhead and static as the left elbow bends down and to the side. Return the left arm overhead and keep it straight as you lower the right elbow down and to the side.

  1. Resistance Band Chest Fly

Loop a resistance band with handles onto something secure behind you. Grab onto each handle and hold your arms straight out in a T, palms facing forward.

Stand with one foot about a foot in front of the other so your stance is staggered. Stand far enough forward that there’s tension in the band. This is the starting position.

Slowly pull the band to bring the handles to meet in front of your body, keeping your arms straight, with a slight bend in the elbows.

Then, slowly extend your arms back out to the starting position. Be careful to not let the band spring back quickly

  1. Glute Bridge

Tie a band around your legs right above your knees.

Lie faceup with your feet on the floor, bending your knees to 90 degrees.

Raise your hips until your shoulders, hips, and knees align, contracting your glutes through the entire movement.

  1. High Plank Leg Lifts

Support your body in the high plank position with your hands and feet touching the ground. Your hands should be under your shoulders and your body in a straight line from head to heel.

 The resistance band should be placed around your ankles. Engage your core and glutes and lift your left heel against the resistance of the band. Keep your body aligned, don’t round your back. Return to the starting position. Do all repetitions on one side, then switch to the other side.

  1. Front squat

Stand on the resistance band with your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart, and bring the top of the band up to rest on the front of your shoulders. Lower into a squat, with your chest up and your knees over your toes. Then push up to the starting position.

  1. Deadlift

Stand with your feet hip-distance apart. Wrap a resistance band around your feet. Grab the top of the resistance band with both hands, and stand up straight. Hinge at your hips and lower down, with a slight bend in your knees, until your hands go just past your knees. Slowly return to start. That’s one rep

  1. Chest Press

Loop a resistance band with handles onto something secure behind you. Grab onto each handle and hold your arms straight out to the side, elbows bent at 90 degrees, palms facing forward.

Stand with one foot about a foot in front of the other so your stance is staggered. Stand far enough forward that there’s tension in the band. This is the starting position.

Slowly press the handles forward and straighten your arms, until your hands meet in front of your body.

Then, slowly bend your elbows and bring the handles back toward your chest to return to the starting position. Be careful to not let the band spring back quickly. This is 1 rep

  1. Kneeling crunch

Attach the band to a high anchor (such as the top of a door or cable column) and kneel, grabbing each side of the band.

Extend your elbows out at shoulder level, engage your core, and crunch down toward your hips while contracting your abs. Slowly return to the starting position.


Employing resistance bands in the right way can help you improve the quality of your workouts. And they’re convenient too.  Once you know you’re working the right muscles, you can focus on squeezing them right until the very end to make sure you’re getting a full contraction.  

If you’re new to exercise, a resistance band workout for beginners is a great place to start. Or (for all levels), use resistance bands for a full-body stretching routine. Grab a band and experience all the benefits resistance bands have to offer for shaping a stronger, leaner you anywhere you are.

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